Our History
JET Christian Fellowship (JCF) is a non-denominational group of JETs who
share a common belief and faith in Jesus Christ. It was formed in 1988 by Christians
on the JET Program, a Japanese government sponsored teaching program. We meet together
to develop friendships, pray for one another, and encourage each other in the walk of faith.
We strive to share Jesus and His message of hope with other JETs, foreigners and
Japanese people we come in contact with. The JET Christian Fellowship is an
AJET Special Interest Group.
The vision of JCF is to build the kingdom of God in Japan by gathering Christian ALTs,
edifying and encouraging them in their faith in Christ, and sending them out as witnesses
in their communities.
JCF Statement of Faith
1. God & the Trinity
- There is only one true God, eternally existing in three persons:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is the Creator of heaven and earth,
and the Almighty Sovereign.
2. Jesus Christ
- He is the Son of God, who became flesh by the miraculous conception
of the Holy Spirit and by the virgin Mary. He was crucified on a cross and died as a sacrifice
for our sins. He was resurrected from death and now sits in heaven with God, the Father.
He intercedes for those who’ve put their faith in Him for salvation. He will come again in glory
to judge all people and fulfill the plan of God.
3. Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit has been sent into the world to reveal and glorify
Christ, and convicts human beings of sin. The Spirit serves to guide, instruct, fill, and
give strength to those who believe in Christ for godly living and service.
4. The Bible
- The Bible, in its Old and New Testaments, is the inspired, complete,
and perfect revelation of the will of God for the salvation of all people. It is the divine
and final authority of Christian faith and practice.
5. Salvation
- Human beings are sinful by nature and are unable to please God totally.
Salvation is given only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and not on the
basis of merit or works.
6. The Church
- All who put their trust in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior
constitute His body, known as the Church. Members of Christ’s body are to join together for
the worship of God, to edify each other through God’s Word, for prayer, mutual accountability,
and the proclamation of the Gospel.